Saturday, October 10, 2009

Never give up easily in our life's

A little bit share with all of you in here who view mine blog.

This is a meaningful video clip,at the got abit funny and maybe you'll laugh it

But when the video comes to end,I'm sure you guys won't laugh to this guy anymore.

After watched to this video clip,I feel that those things that the guy said in there is correct.

When we falls,what should we do?

Get it up right?But with those people out there that do not have a foots,how could they get up when they falls?

But they managed to do it.What reason that cause them to make it?


What is the motto or purpose being a human in our life's?


NO!The main prupose of being a human in our life's is to try our best to make ourself to have a better life.

But there are many people who failed to achieve their goal and give up easily in the life.They should not give up easily.For example,in this video.The guy in there are without foots,but when he falls,he is trying his best to get it up again.

So,we should learn from HIM.His spiritual that never give up no matter how hard the life that he got.

p/s-To everyone of you,no matter how hard your life's is.Please don't give up easily!

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